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2024-2025 Twisters Information

Everything you need to know about the 2024-2025 Season! Please email us at mdtwisterssby@gmail.com for price information.

Absence Form

This document MUST be turned in 30 days BEFORE a vacation and for even absence.

Liability Release and Waiver Form

Release Form for NON team members.

Tiny Team Requirements

What to know about Tiny Team Requirements






600 Glen Ave. Unit 102

Salisbury, Maryland 21804

Mailing Address

27232 Riverside Dr. Ext

Salisbury, Md 21801

Interested In Maryland Twisters?Submit your information today. Someone will be in touch soon!

Cathy L: I love storm because of the sense of warmth and love my child receives from her coaches. They challenge her and expect a lot from her but there is nowhere else she would rather be. The combined knowledge and experience our coaches have exceeds any gym on the eastern shore. I would never consider going anywhere else. Storm is our second home!
Marissa L: I love storm because the coaches and athletes are AMAZING. I love being in the gym with them. My coaches are really funny and I personally consider them my older sisters because of my bond with them. They push me to do my best. My teammates are my best friends. They are always there for me when I need them and they encourage me to push through the routine. The end. :)